Online The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain (published in hardcover as Neurodiversity) pdf

The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain (published in hardcover as Neurodiversity) pdf

Ph.D. Thomas Armstrong PhD

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ADHD. dyslexia. autism. the number of illness categories listed by the American Psychiatric Association has tripled in the last fifty years. With so many people affected, it is time to revisit our perceptions on this “culture of disabilitie Daha fazla göster Daha az göster (function(f) {f(window.P._namespace("bookDescription"));}(function(P) { // Log render timestamp P.execute('dp-atf-bookDescription', function () { if (typeof window.markFeatureRender === 'function') { window.markFeatureRender('bookDescription'); } }); P.declare("book-description-config", { logInteractivity: true }); })); P.when('DynamicIframe').execute(function(DynamicIframe){ var BookDescriptionIframe = null, bookDescEncodedData = "%3CDIV%3EADHD.%20dyslexia.%20autism.%20the%20number%20of%20illness%20categories%20listed%20by%20the%20American%20Psychiatric%20Association%20has%20tripled%20in%20the%20last%20fifty%20years.%20With%20so%20many%20people%20affected%2C%20it%20is%20time%20to%20revisit%20our%20perceptions%20on%20this%20%26amp%3B%238220%3Bculture%20of%20disabilitie", bookDescriptionAvailableHeight, minBookDescriptionInitialHeight = 112, options = {}, iframeId = "bookDesc_iframe"; function resizeCallback() { P.guardFatal("bookDescription", function() { // Get the line-height of the iframe var iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId); var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument; if (false && iframeDocument && iframeDocument.defaultView) { // Set the height to the number of lines specified var numLines = parseInt(0, 10); // Get the line-height of the iframe var iframeContent = iframeDocument.getElementById("iframeContent"); // Compute the line height var lineHeight = iframeDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(iframeContent, null).getPropertyValue("line-height"); // Parse the line height lineHeight = parseFloat(lineHeight); bookDescriptionAvailableHeight = Math.round(lineHeight * numLines); } else { var bdOffsetTop = document.getElementById("bookDescription_feature_div").offsetTop; var imageBlockOffsetTop = document.getElementById("booksImageBlock_feature_div").offsetTop; var imageBlockHeight = document.getElementById("booksImageBlock_feature_div").offsetHeight; bookDescriptionAvailableHeight = imageBlockOffsetTop + imageBlockHeight -bdOffsetTop - 30; if(bookDescriptionAvailableHeight < minBookDescriptionInitialHeight) { bookDescriptionAvailableHeight = minBookDescriptionInitialHeight; } } var psTotalHeight = document.getElementById("postBodyPS").offsetHeight; if(psTotalHeight > bookDescriptionAvailableHeight + 30){ if(document.getElementById("bdSeeLessPrompt").style.display == "none"){ document.getElementById("outer_postBodyPS").style.height = bookDescriptionAvailableHeight + 'px'; document.getElementById("psPlaceHolder").style.display ="block"; document.getElementById("bdSeeAllPrompt").style.display ="block"; } else{ document.getElementById("outer_postBodyPS").style.height = psTotalHeight + 'px'; } } else{ document.getElementById("outer_postBodyPS").style.height = psTotalHeight + 'px'; document.getElementById("psPlaceHolder").style.display ="none"; document.getElementById("bdSeeAllPrompt").style.display ="block"; document.getElementById("bdSeeLessPrompt").style.display ="none"; document.getElementById("bdExpanderIcon").className = document.getElementById("bdExpanderIcon").className.replace("rotate",""); } })(); } options.iframeId = iframeId; options.iframeWrapperId = "bookDesc_iframe_wrapper"; options.overriddenCSSId = "bookDesc_override_CSS"; options.encodedIframeContent = bookDescEncodedData; options.initialResizeCallback = resizeCallback; BookDescriptionIframe = new DynamicIframe(options); P.guardFatal("bookDescription", function() { BookDescriptionIframe.createIframe(); }) (); if ((typeof BookDescriptionIframe != 'undefined') && (BookDescriptionIframe instanceof DynamicIframe)) { P.when('jQuery', 'book-description-config').execute(function($, config) { $(window).resize(function() { P.guardFatal("bookDescription", function() { BookDescriptionIframe.resizeIframe(resizeCallback); }) (); }); $(window).bind('imageResize', function() { P.guardFatal("bookDescription", function() { BookDescriptionIframe.resizeIframe(resizeCallback); }) (); }); // Log interactivity timestamp if (!!config.logInteractivity) { if (typeof window.markFeatureInteractive === 'function') { window.markFeatureInteractive('bookDescription'); } } }); } });


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Yazar The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain (published in hardcover as Neurodiversity)

Ph.D. Thomas Armstrong PhD


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