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The Themes That Bind Us: Simplifying U.S. Supreme Court Cases for the Social Studies Classroom
Gretchen Oltman

Teaching U.S. Supreme Court cases can be a daunting task for any social studies teacher, but this book can ease that proc

Clashing Worldviews in the U.S. Supreme Court: Rehnquist vs. Blackmun
James Davids

Contrasting two Protestant justices who hold distinctively different worldviews, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist and J

Transnational Intellectual Property Law: Text and Cases
Robert P. Merges

As companies and organisations increasingly operate across national boundaries, so the incentive to understand how to acq

Simester and Sullivan's Criminal Law: Theory and Doctrine
Professor A P Simester

This is the fifth edition of the leading textbook on criminal law by Professors Simester, Spencer, Sullivan and Virgo. Si

Los Jueces Constitucionales. Controlando al Poder o controlados por el Poder: Algunos casos recientes ( Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Honduras, ... Suráfrica, Costa Rica, Chile y Brasil)

En este libro, el profesor Allan R. Brewer-Carías estudia el funcionamiento de la Justicia Constitucional en el mundo con

Jack Mills; Vanda Broughton: Bliss Bibliographic Classification: Politics and Public Administration: n.a.: Class R
C. Merrett

The Bliss Bibliographic Classification Association is an association of users and supporters of the Bibliographic Classif

§§ 312, 312a-K: (vertragsschluss)
Gregor Thusing LL M

Detailreich, dogmatisch fundiert und praxisnah werden die Vorschriften des BGB über die Grundsätze bei Verbraucherverträg

Murphy, J: politics of Dublin corporation, 1840-1900
James H. Murphy

Dublin Corporation, the city&;s council, was an ancient and prestigious body. In 1840 its system of voting was reformed t

The Need to Revamp the Indian Constitution
K V Sreenivasan

  Change is the natural phenomenal. According to the changes of living conditions, socio- economic development, scientifi

Rising from the Domain of Losses: Global Fear and Fracture
Chris D Simms

COVID 19 and BLM are only signs of more to come. Based on decades of field research in remote villages and capital cities

Regulating Islam: Religion and the State in Contemporary Morocco and Tunisia
Sarah J. Feuer

Many countries in the Arab world have incorporated Islam into their state- and nation-building projects, naming it the 'r

The Conservative Heartland
Jon K. Lauck (editor) & Catherine McNicol Stock (editor)

In the wake of the 2016 presidential election there was widespread shock that the Midwest, the Democrats&; so-called blue

Selected Commercial Statutes for Sales and Contracts Courses, 2019 Edition (Selected Statutes)
Carol L. Chomsky

Receive complimentary lifetime digital access to the eBook with new print purchase. A collection of uniform laws and fede

Constitutional Law - CasebookPlus (University Casebook Series (Multimedia))
Noah R. Feldman (author) & Kathleen M. Sullivan (author)

This casebook provides a unique combination of clearly structured and lawyerly coverage of the cases with rich historical

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50 Wildlife and Fisheries 17.99 (a) to (h), Revised as of October 1, 2018
Office of the Federal Register (U.S.)

Title 50 presents regulations governing the taking, possession, transportation, sale, purchase, barter, exportation and i