Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: tüm kitaplar Online

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La situation mondiale des peches et de l'aquaculture 2020: La durabilite an action
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

L'edition 2020 de La situation mondiale des peches et de l'aquaculture met tout particulierement l'accent sur la durabili

Vue d'ensemble regionale de la securite alimentaire et la nutrition en Afrique 2019: Limiter les dommages causes par les ralentissements et les ... (Africa - Regional Overview of Food Security)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Cette edition examine comment, malgre un recent ralentissement de la sous-alimentation, l'insecurite alimentaire a augmen

Oilcrops complex: policy changes and industry measures. Filiere oleagineuses: evolution des politiques et des mesures sectorielles. Sector ... annual - 2019. Recueil annuel - 2019
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The 2019 compendium offers an overview of salient government policies and related private sector measures concerning glob

Agripreneuriat en Afrique: Histoires d'inspiration
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Cette publication cherche a encourager les entrepreneurs en herbe en Afrique a? saisir les opportunite?s d'affaires dans

Regimes alimentaires sains et durables: Principes directeurs
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Ces principes directeurs sont le resultat d'une consultation d'experts dirigee conjointement par la FAO et l'OMS en juill

Informe de la consulta t‚cnica sobre la actuaci¢n del estado del pabell¢n / Report of the Technical Consultation on Flag State Performance: Roma, 2-6 ... (FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Reports)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

This document contains the report of the Technical Consultation on Flag State Performance. The Consultation was held in t

Food Outlook: Biannual Report on Global Food Markets, June 2020
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

This biannual publication focuses on developments affecting global food and feed markets, providing comprehensive assessm

Proceedings of the FAO International Symposium on The Future of Food: 10-11 June 2019
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The Symposium addressed challenges related to the sustainability of food systems and how to eradicate malnutrition in all

Perspectives Agricoles De L'ocde Et De La Fao 2020-2029

Fruit de la collaboration entre l'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) et l'Organisation de

Safety at Sea for Small-Scale Fishers in the Caribbean
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

This manual aims to contribute to a culture of safety awareness among fisherfolk in the Caribbean, reduce the number of a