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Drowning in regulations : the Waters of the U.S. rule and the case for reforming the RFA : hearing before the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship
United States Congress

Drowning in regulations : the Waters of the U.S. rule and the case for reforming the RFA : hearing before the Committee o

The impact of U.S. water programs on global health
United States Congress

The impact of U.S. water programs on global health : hearing before the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Hum

President Obama?s trade policy agenda with U.S. trade representative Michael Froman
United States Congress

President Obama’s trade policy agenda with U.S. trade representative Michael Froman : hearing before the Committee on Way

U.S. Federal Courts: Attorney Admission Requirements: 2011 Edition
John Okray

U.S. Federal Courts: Attorney Admission Requirements provides a comprehensive analysis of the specific attorney admission

How to Write Law Essays & Exams
S I Strong

How to Write Law Essays & Exams provides law students with a practical and proven method of analysing and answering essay

REGISTRE DE DÉCLARATION D’ACCIDENTS DU TRAVAIL BÉNINS | (Art. L 441-4 - D 441-1 à D 441-4 du Code de la Sécurité Sociale) | LEGIS Éditions: Formulaire ... | 105 Pages | 21,59 cm x 27,94 cm | Broché
LEGIS Éditions

Registre de Déclarations des Accidents du Travail Bénins (Art. L 441-4 - D 441-1 à D 441-4 du Code de la Sécurité Sociale

Code des Marchés Publics 2016 en tableaux (2ème édition): Conforme au décret n° 2016-360 du 25 mars 2016
Guy Goubert

La lecture du décret n° 2016-360 du 25 mars 2016 est complexe, même pour un public averti. Le but de l'auteur est de rend

Negotiate Like YOU M.A.T.T.E.R.: The Sure Fire Method to Step Up and Win
Esq. Rebecca Zung

“Worth its weight in gold!"  --Robert Shapiro, Esq.  Renowned Trial Lawyer, Co-Founder of Legal Zoom What if you knew you

Home Rule Charters of California: Volume 1: Adelanto, Alameda, Albany, Alhambra, and Anaheim
Timothy Ball

As part of the great and delicate balance between competing interests and powers delegated and defined by the US Constitu

Smoked: The Inside Story of the Minnesota Tobacco Trial
Deborah Caulfield Rybak

"...a remarkable job of storytelling." -- Minneapolis Star Tribune"...a compelling courtroom drama that resonates on a hu

Handbuch Kommunalpolitik Nordrhein-Westfalen (Kommunale Schriften für Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Claus Hamacher

Mit der Kommunalwahl 2020 übernehmen zahlreiche Bürgerinnen und Bürger zum ersten Mal das Amt eines Ratsmitglieds. Das "H

Cultures of Law in Urban Northern Europe: Scotland and its Neighbours c.1350-c.1650 (Themes in Medieval and Early Modern History)

Drawing together an international team of historians, lawyers and historical sociolinguists, this volume investigates urb

Code des relations entre le public et l'administration: Version mise à jour
France gouvernement

Code des relations entre le public et l'administration Version mise à jour au 24 août 2020 Non annoté Contenu: Dispos

Introduction to the Study and Practice of Law in a Nutshell (Nutshell Series)
Kenney F. Hegland

"There are two things wrong with almost all legal writing. One is style. The other is content." Professor Fred Rodell, Ya

Gender, Law and Material Culture: Immobile Property and Mobile Goods in Early Modern Europe

This interdisciplinary volume discusses the division of the early modern material world into the important legal, economi

Exam Pro on Evidence (Objective) (Exam Pro Series)
Michael H. Graham

Exam Pro-Objective on Evidence is a study aid that helps law students prepare to take their Evidence exam. Taking the sam

Towards a Uniform Approach to Confidentiality of International Commercial Arbitration (European Yearbook of International Economic Law)
Elza Reymond-Eniaeva

The book deals with confidentiality as one of the most controversial issues in international commercial arbitration. On t

Jurisprudencia y doctrina: ¿Un matrimonio de conveniencia? (Papel + e-book) (Monografía)
Mª José Cervilla Garzón

Esta obra colectiva es resultado del Congreso Internacional “Jurisprudencia y Doctrina: ¿un matrimonio de conveniencia?”,

ZVG -Gesetz über die Zwangsversteigerung und Zwangsverwaltung - einschließlich EGZVG und ZwVwV -
Gerhard Dassler

Der Klassiker unter den ZVG-Kommentaren bietet eine praxisorientierte Erluterung der komplexen Materie der Zwangsversteig

Legislación sobre Enjuiciamiento Civil (Papel + e-book) (Biblioteca de Legislación, Band 12)
Julio Banacloche Palao

La presente edición pretende ser una obra de consulta básica y útil para el profesional del Derecho que tiene que actuar