fb2 Les Misérables, Volume V of V, Jean Valjean - Online indir

Les Misérables, Volume V of V, Jean Valjean fb2

Victor Hugo

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This is the fifth volume of Victor Hugo's 1862 French historical novel, Les Misrables. Considered to be one of the greatest novels of the nineteenth century, it chronicles the lives of several characters, focusing on exconvict Jean Valjean's struggle for redemption. It constitutes a profound examination of French history, the nature of law and justice, contemporary urban life, politics, moral philosophy, religion, and the types of romantic and familial love. A veritable masterpiece, Les Misrables is a mustread for all lovers of literature. Victor Marie Hugo (1802 1885) was a French novelist, dramatist, and poet belonging to the Romantic movement. He is widely hailed as one of the most accomplished and wellknown French writers, originally achieving renown for his poetical endeavours-the most notable of which are the volumes Les Contemplations and La Lgende des sicles. Outside of his native country, Hugo's bestknown works are his novels: Les Misrables (1862) and NotreDame de Paris (1831), commonly known as The Hunchback of NotreDame. Aside from his literary achievements, he also produced over 4,000 beautiful drawings and was a prominent campaigner for social and political issues, including abolishing capital punishment. Many vintage books such as this are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. We are republishing this book now in an affordable, highquality, modern edition complete with a specially commissioned new biography of the author.


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Yazar Les Misérables, Volume V of V, Jean Valjean

Victor Hugo


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